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Lakeside Services


Welcome to Barnacle Boys, we’re excited for another great season! We’re here to help you with your waterfront projects and needs. With Barnacle Boys, you have a team ready to get your shoreline clean and ready to safely enjoy!

Our Services

  • Lake Weed removal and extraction (underwater)
  • Floating weed cleanup
  • Muck and weed mitigation 
  • Shoreline cleanup 
  • Mechanical muck and weed blower/blaster installation and consultation 

*** Quick Clean Service now available *** Need your shore cleaned of floating weeds in the next 24 hours?  Contact us!

Other services available on request


We Offer

  • One time or ad hoc service appointments
  • Weekly or monthly service visits
  • Routine schedules based on your needs

We do not use chemical applications. Our techniques are focused on responsible removal of weed, muck and debris. This is accomplished by hand. Mitigation can be accomplished by machine.

Interested in mitigation?  Contact us for installation and/or consultation of mechanical muck units. There are several available on the market. We have years of experience installing and using these methods effectively. There are good ones and bad ones, there is a right way and wrong way to install. Take the guesswork out, let our experience dial your property in for success. 

About Us

We are three young men passionate about keeping our lakes clean and enjoyable for everyone. We started our business because we enjoy spending time outdoors and having a positive impact on people along the way. We know that seaweed can be a problem for some, and that’s what we’re here for. We are very hard-working individuals who strive to provide the best service possible to make our customers happy.


Looking to get your weeds removed? Our team is standing by to schedule you.